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Multi Sarana Industrindo sebagai agent dan distributor berbagai kebutuhan perusahaan anda dengan bermacam-macam merk dan product seperti + GF+ SI

spring-loaded LVDT displacement sensor Soway SBD20

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Multi Sarana Industrindo sebagai agent dan distributor berbagai kebutuhan perusahaan anda dengan bermacam-macam merk dan product

Detail Spring-loaded LVDT Displacement Sensor Soway SBD20

spring-loaded lvdt position sensing Servo valve positioning Valve position sensing Medical equipment Automatic assembly spring-loaded LVDT displacement sensor LVDT is a hightech product used to measure the elongation, vibration, thickness, expansion and so on, it is intended for widely application in Aerospace, Machinery, Construction, Textile, Railway, Coal mine, Metallurgy, Plastic, Chemical industry and Academic research. DC LVDT performs excellently from 9-28 voltage DC power supply, suitable for high precision and high repeatability measurement, output standard signal of 0-5v or 4-20mA to be identified by computer or PLC. The integrated circuit is hermetically sealed in SUS 304 stainless steel sleeve, ensure that the transducers keep working accurately and reliably in hostile. Features Diameter ¦ 20mm, SUS 304, Spring-loaded. Operated from single-ended, 9-28 VDC supply, built-in excellent signal demodulator Output voltage 0-5V or 0-10V( 3 wire) , output current 4-20 mA ( 2 wire) Standard range from 1mm-50mm, high resolution, excellent repeatability Contactless operation, long life Applications Machine tool positioning Hydraulic cylinder positioning Gap controlling in rolling mill Value position location and control General specification Output noise & ripple < 1 0 m v RMS or < 25 ¼ arms Frequency response( -3dB) : 250Hz( max) , 50Hz ( for current output) Linearity error d0.25% of fs Repeatability error < 0.01% of fs Hysteresis error < 0.01% of fs Operating temperature - 2 0 to 70º C Thermal coefficient - 0.0 2 7 % / º C ( nominal) Vibration tolerance 2 0 g to 2 KHz Shock survival 100g, 11 ms Supply voltage: 5vdc or 15 v to 30 vdc Full scale output: 0.5~ 4.5v DC or 0~ 5v DC, 0~ 10v DC, 4~ 20ma Thermal coefficient: - 0.0 2 7 % / º C( nominal) Vibration tolerance: 2 0 g to 2 KHz
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