Detail Baelz Balanced 2-way Control Valve 346-EMB NP16/ 25
with actuator
Kvso= 0.004%
medium: steam
body material: GJS-400-18-LT-JS1025 ( GGG40.3)
internal parts: stainless steel
stuffing box: V-rings in PTFE
stroke ND40-125: 22mm
ND150: 44mm
ND: 40-150
NP: 16/ 25/ 40
Standard Body:
NP16+ NP25
GJS-400-18-LT ( GGG40.3)
NP40: GP240GH ( GS-C25)
min.: -10º C
max.: + 240º C or + 350º C type K
with screw-in seat
and bellows for pressure balancing
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